Ulexite is a hydrated sodium calcium borate hydroxide. Sometimes called TV rock, due to its unique & unusual optical characteristics. The fibres of Ulexite act as optical fibres & transmit light along their axes by internal reflection. When a piece of good-quality Ulexite is cut with flat polished faces perpendicular to the orientation of the fibres, it will display an image of whatever surface is adjacent to its other side.
Ulexite is found in evaporite deposits, salt playas & dry saline lakes in association with large-scale Gypsum deposits & Na-Ca borates. Precipitated Ulexite commonly forms a "cotton ball" tuft of acicular crystals & is also found in a vein-like habit composed of closely packed fibrous crystals. There are no polymorphs of Ulexite known & it does not form a solid solution series with any other mineral. Ulexite is structurally complex, with a basic structure containing chains of sodium, water & hydroxide octahedra.
Ulexite is frequently found associated with Halite, Calcite, Trona, Colmanite, Borax, Hydroboracite, Glauberite, Mirabilite, Meyerhofferite, Gypsum & Probertite,
Ulexite was discovered by & named after the German chemist Georg Ludwig Ulex (1811–1883) & is currently found in California, Nevada in USA, Tarapaca region in Chile & Kazakhstan.
Metaphysical Properties
A magic amplifier of all energy. This stone has a pure vibration that encourages the opening of physic gifts & increases the light body. Raises vibration while connecting to the higher self with divine wisdom, this aids in the retrieval of ancient information.
Helps you to read & understand the energy of others making it a useful aid to healers. Assists one to find answers & see the truth in life. Removes negativity with pure white light. Directs & focuses creation intent which increases manifestation ability.
Crystal Healing
Mineral absorption, opens capillaries & great for circulation issues including arthritis, Headaches neck & shoulder pain.
Group: Nesoborates
Crystal System: Triclinic
Composition: NaCaB5O6(OH)6•5(H2O)
Form/Habit: Acicular to fibrous
Hardness: 2.5
Cleavage: Perfect on {010} good on {110} poor on {110}
Fracture: Uneven
Lustre: Vitreous; silky or satiny in fibrous aggregates
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 1.95-1.96
Transparency: Transparent to opaque
R.I: nα = 1.491 – 1.496. nβ = 1.504 – 1.506 br/>nγ = 1.519 – 1.520
Colour: Colourless to white
Birefringence: δ = 0.028
Fluorescence: May fluoresce yellow, greenish yellow, cream, white under SW and LW UV
Strunz Classification: 06.EA.25
Dana Classification:
Other Characteristics: Parallel fibrous masses can act as fibre optical light pipes. Slightly soluble in water