Moss Agate is a unique dendritic Agate. Dendritic Agates have fern or plant like patterns in them usually formed due to the presence of manganese & iron oxides, in the case of Moss Agate the green dendrites occur through the added presence of minerals such as Chlorite & Hornblende. There is a potential for other types of matter to be deposited during the Agate growth process, these include sagenitic growths (radial mineral crystals) & chunks of entrapped detritus (such as sand, ash, or mud).
Most Agates occur as nodules in volcanic rocks or ancient lavas where they represent cavities originally produced by the disengagement of volatiles in the molten mass which were then filled wholly or partially by siliceous matter deposited in regular layers upon the walls, from this siliceous matter crystals grow. Agate has also been known to fill veins or cracks in volcanic or altered rock underlain by granitic intrusive masses. Such Agates, when cut transversely exhibit a succession of parallel lines, giving a banded appearance to the section. Such stones are known as Banded Agate, Lace Agate & Striped Agate. Although known of & utilised for centuries by ancient humans the current name “Agate” was given by Theophrastus a Greek Philosopher & naturalist. Somewhere between the 4th & 3rd century BC he found the stone along the shore line of the Dirillo River in Sicily an area known in ancient Greek times as Achates.
Moss & Tree Agate are very similar the only difference is the transparency of the host Chalcedony, if it is transparent with a greyish tone it is classified as Moss Agate if it is opaque/ non transparent with white Chalcedony then it is classified as Tree Agate
Metaphysical Properties
The Secret Garden stone, Moss Agate is excellent at helping one to lay foundations for manifesting dreams into reality, for a garden to grow & flourish it must first have somewhere suitable to lay seed, gestate & sprout. The gestation process can be a long & unrewarding one Moss Agate reminds us that with action, focus, love & patience we will soon see the blooms of our labour. Moss Agate teaches one to live in harmony with the self & external world it opens the mind to see alternate & creative possibilities to building or achieving ones goals. As a stone of harmony it is great for strengthening & fortifying relationships particularly difficult family relationships. It protects & purifies the body’s energy field keeping it free of negative debris. This energetically expansive crystal helps open the mind & heart, it provides a calming joyous vibration bringing a sense of safety & security, that results in deep feelings of oneness or universal connectivity. Moss Agate brings peace to a troubled mind helping one to understand & master inner thoughts, its peaceful energy stills negative or overactive thinking helping shift one from destructive pessimistic thoughts to a positive optimistic mindset. This stone is excellent at helping one shift energetic blockages & over come trauma, it teaches how to process or move through past hurts & is particularly helpful with healing the pain of an unhappy childhood.
Moss Agate holds powerful magic, this Fairy stone contains the secrets of elemental magic it can be used to connect with other realm spirits & harness elements of the earthly plane such as Earth, air, fire, water, metal & wood. It is also a powerful Earth energy healer that holds strong Earth & plant connections. This purifying & regenerative energy makes Moss Agate excellent for eco friendly pursuits such as Earth, forest or waterway health & regeneration.
Crystal Healing
Brain & memory health. Lymphatic system fluid retention, vein & capillary problems. Lungs & heart disorders. Nerve damage & scar tissue.
Group: Quartz
Crystal System: Rhombohedral, Microcrystalline
Composition: SiO2 silicon dioxide
Form/Habit: Cryptocrystalline silica
Hardness: 6.5 - 7
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Conchoidal
Lustre: Waxy
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 2.58–2.64
Transparency: Translucent
R.I: 1.530–1.540
Colour: White to grey, light blue, orange to red, black. banded
Birefringence: up to +0.004 (B-G)
Pleochroism: Absent