Geology / History
Morganite is a rare light pink to rose coloured gem quality variety of Beryl. Also known as Rose Beryl, Pink Emerald & Cesian (or caesian) Beryl. Morganite can also be found in Orange/yellow and colour banding is common. The pink colour of morganite is attributed to Mn2+ ions. Morganite is known to occur with other gemstone minerals, such as Tourmaline & Kunzite
First discovered in 1910 on an island on the coast of Madagascar. This pink variety of beryl was named "Morganite" after financier J.P Morgan by the New York Academy of Sciences in December 1910
"The Rose of Maine" one of the largest gem Morganite specimens ever uncovered was found at the Bennett Quarry in Buckfield, Maine, US on October 7, 1989. The crystal originally somewhat orange in hue, was 23 cm (9 in) long, about 30 cm (12 in) across & weighed (with its matrix) just over 50 pounds (23 kg).
Morganite can be heat treated to remove patches of yellow & is occasionally treated by irradiation to enhance colour.
Metaphysical Properties
Crystal of Divine love. Attracts, maintains & grows love. Encourages loving thoughts & actions. Calms a stressful life. Aids in the clearing of unconscious resistance to healing & growth. Activates, clears & energises all the chakras & helps love to flow in your life.
A powerful crystal to use bringing forth old emotional wounds & allowing them to be forgiven then released. Excellent in times of trauma as it provides sense of safety & happiness.
Crystal Healing
lung conditions, such as asthma or emphysema & may stabilize the heart. Good for stress related illness.
Group: Cyclosilicate – Beryl Group
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Composition: Be₃Al₂(SiO₃)₆
Form/Habit: Prismatic to tabular crystals, radial, columnar, granular to compact massive
Hardness: 7.5-8
Cleavage: Imperfect on {0001}
Fracture: Conchoidal to irregular
Lustre: Vitreous to resinous
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: Average 2.76
Transparency: Transparent to translucent
R.I:nω = 1.564–1.595 nε = 1.568–1.602
Colour: Pink, Orange, Yellow
Birefringence:δ = 0.0040–0.0070
Fluorescence: Morganite has weak violet fluorescence
Pleochroism: Weak to Distinct
Strunz Classification: 09.CJ.05