Geology / History
Labradorite is a type of feldspar consisting of between 30-50% Albite & 50-70% Anorthite. Labradorite was named after peninsula of Labrador in Canada, where it was first found. It shows labradorescence - a schiller effect in lustrous metallic tints, often blue & green, sometimes the complete spectrum, purples & pinks are rare.
This effect is caused by interference of light from lattice distortions resulting from alternating microscopic exsolution lamellae of high & low calcium plagioclase phases.
Metaphysical Properties
The bringer of light. A highly mystical & very protective stone aiding the enlightenment & ascension process. Deflects unwanted energies & prevents energy leakage from the aura. Labradorite forms a barrier to negative energies shed during therapy & sustains a strong energy circle.
It raises consciousness, grounds spiritual energies & connects with all universal energies. Stimulates intuition & psychic gifts while connecting the soul to its higher self.
This Shaman stone banishes fears, insecurity & psychic debris casting out lower vibrations. Calms an over active mind relieving stress & energising imaginative thought. Labradorite synthesises intellectual thought with intuitive wisdom & allows the compilation to be understood by the conscious mind.
A stone of transformation, providing strength, happiness & perseverance. Resonates with all chakras. Meditating with Labradorite unveils the mysteries & wonder in the connectivity of all life. A powerful thought amplifier & manifestation tool. Labradorite shifts the barriers between worlds connecting to all hidden realms & allowing shape shifting between them.
Crystal Healing
Depression, stomach issues, lung ailments, anxiety, skin disorders.
Group: Feldspar (Silicate-Tectosilicate)
Crystal System: Triclinic
Composition: NaAlSi3O8CaAl2Si2O8
Form/Habit: Usually massive
Hardness: 6-6.5
Cleavage: Perfect
Fracture: Uneven to conchoidal
Lustre: Vitreous
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 2.7
Transparency: Transparent to translucent
R.I: 1.56-1.57
Colour: Blue, Grey, White, Yellow, Orange, Violet
Birefringence: 0.007-0.011
Pleochroism: From the Congo, red stones show weak pleochroism whilst greenstones have distinct greenish yellow to bluish green pleochroism
Fluorescence: Weak chalky pink orange
Causes of Colour: Multicolours, diffraction of light by the internal lamellar structure. Red (in the material from Oregon), submicroscopic metallic copper particles. Green and orange could be Cu+