Geology / History
The term Jade refers to two minerals Nephrite & Jadeite, both are silicate minerals belonging to the inosilicates sector & where originally thought to be the same mineral. However they do have a few distinct differences Nephrite Jade is as an amphibole mineral it is considered soft Jade (6-6.5), only found in green, grey, yellow, brown & black hues with fibrous crystals & contains Tremolite or Actinolite. Jadeite is a pyroxene mineral, considered hard Jade (6.5-7) found in various shades of white, green, grey, pink, lilac, red, blue, yellow, orange & black. Both form through metamorphism & are found in metamorphic rock associated with subduction zones.
Most deposits are found along the margins of current or ancient convergent plate boundaries involving the oceanic lithosphere. They often present in the form of hard rock ophiolites from ancient subduction zones that have been surface exposed by either faulting or uplift & weathering. Jadeite is primarily found in rocks of higher pressure origin than Nephrite, therefore they are not often found in the same geological location.
The word jade is derived via the French term “l'ejade” & Latin “ilia” meaning "flanks, kidney area" also from the Spanish term “piedra de ijada” or "loin stone", named so for its reputed ability to cure ailments of the loins & kidneys. The word Nephrite was derived from the term “lapis nephriticus”, a Latin translation of the Spanish piedra de ijada. In 1863 French mineralogist Alexis Damour discovered the differences between the two minerals & separate species names where therefore allocated.
Used for centuries as far back as Neolithic times the oldest known mines are of the Dushan Jade from Dushan, Nanyang City, Henan Province in China. Jade is extraordinarily significant culturally & historically many Jade artifacts have been recovered globally giving a great insight into the ancient cultures, religious practices & advancements of our ancestors. Jade has been used to create some of the finest objects in the known world. It was widely used for utilitarian, ceremonial & ornamental purpose in items such as bottles, bowls, pipes, beads, sword hilts, dagger handles, hair pins, jewellery & as a gemstones. Also utilised for tools & weapons crafted into axes, knives, spear heads, chisels & lures for fishing. Even a burial suit made of Jade has been found in China containing 2008 pieces of Jade.
Metaphysical Properties
Stone of longevity & Symbol of nobility Jade is said to bless whatever it touches. This stone has been revered for centuries for its ancient gift of a long prosperous life. Jade brings strength, courage & grace helping one to live life with great elegance & prowess. Considered a powerful healing stone it is highly protective, absorbing illness & negative energy away from the wearer. Jade is a self sacrificing stone it has been known to turn white & break while protecting the wearer from illness or evil. It is cherished as a protective talisman, assuring great blessing of health, happiness, longevity & wealth upon the wearer. Gifted between friends it is an amulet of good luck & friendship.
Jade imparts a fierce resilience helping one persist to achieve & complete any goals. It bolsters inner fortitude supporting inner strength & helping one to stand their ground in the face of adversity. Jade encourages creativity & free thinking making it excellent for artistic expression & practical tasks that require original imagination. It also helps to keep one focused in noisy or hectic environments allowing energy to flow freely within & not be negatively affected by external influences.
Jade signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility & oneness, dispelling the negative & encouraging one to see truth of their divinity. It opens & balances the heart chakra clearing out any energy that may cause dis-ease or imbalance. Jade can help one achieve deep levels of relaxation & is excellent for meditation, yoga or other energy based practices, it aids the harnessing of ones Chi. As the ultimate "Dream Stone", Jade can help to decipher dream messages & gain vital knowledge through dream states. Use it to access the spiritual world, gain insight into ritualistic knowledge & commune with ancestors.
Crystal Healing
DNA reparation, chronic illness, kidneys, testicles, ovaries, bladder, stomach issues, fatique & stress.
Jadeite Jade Group: Silicate, Inosilicate - Pyroxene |
Nephrite Jade Group: Silicate, Inosilicate - Amphibole Mineral