Geology / History
Named for Danbury, Connecticut, U.S, where it was first discovered by Charles Upham Shephard in 1839. Danburite typically occurs as a Calcium Boron silicate mineral, in granite & metamorphosed carbonate rocks associated with hydrothermal activity & in evaporates.
The Dana classification system categorises Danburite as a Sorosilicate & the Strunz classification system lists it as a tectosilicate, its structure can be interpreted as either.
Because of its high refractive index, well cut Danburites are remarkably bright & look something like diamonds. Today most of the colourless Danburite comes from Mexico.
Metaphysical Properties
Danburite is a highly spiritual stone, excellent for all healing. It gently yet powerfully opens the crown chakra & encourages the heart vibration to resonate with Divine love. Promoting pure love, this high vibration has an energy that is extremely uplifting to the spirit & activates the intellect through higher consciousness.
A wonderful assistant on the path to enlightenment. Greatly strengthens light pillar & enhances connections. The perfect meditation crystal that can help heal old deep emotional wounds & clear past Karma, allowing you to leave the past behind. Reduces stress, anxiety & brings calm in difficult situations.
Crystal Healing
Assists restful sleep, lucid dreaming, Blood pressure, circulation & digestive disorders.
Group: Silicates-Tectosilicate
Crystal System: Orthorhombic dipyramidal
Composition: CaB2(SiO4)2
Form/Habit: Euhedral prismatic crystals; disseminated masses
Hardness: 7-7.5
Cleavage: {001} Poor - indistinct
Fracture: Subconchoidal to uneven
Lustre: Vitreous – greasy
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 2.93 - 3.02
Transparency: Transparent to translucent
R.I: nα = 1.627 – 1.633 nβ = 1.630 – 1.636 nγ = 1.633 – 1.639
Colour: Colourless, white, grey, brownish white, straw yellow
Birefringence: δ = 0.006
Fluorescence: Fluorescent & thermoluminescent (red); Short UV=violet blue; Long UV=blue to blue-green
Strunz Classification: 9.FA.65
Dana Classification: