Geology / History
This intense purple & rare silicate mineral was named after the Chara River, which flows through the Chara sands, a desert of Siberia. This desert is home to the one mountain where Charoite is found. The discovery was made in the 1940s during the construction of a rail tunnel. Part of the Russian governmental debt was paid in Charoite. This mineral is strictly massive in nature & is found where Syenite of the Murunskii Massif has intruded into & altered Limestone deposits. This interaction produces a potassium Feldspar Metasomatite. Charoite can also occur in association with Canasite & Tinaksite.
Metaphysical Properties
A transformation stone of enlightenment, grace & magic. Creates rapid expansion Stimulates deep a blissful state for deep emotional healing. Charoite shows you acceptance in the present moment with the message we are perfect. Releases the illusion of duality blending light & dark with balance to create oneness.
Deep fears, worry & anxieties are dissolved here. With this state of grace comes focused thought, increased intuition & understanding of ones infinite manifestation abilities. Teaches us to survive, blossom & reach full potential in the harshest of environments. Brings balance anchoring the higher self into the physical realm. Connects the unconscious mind to past lives bringing forth ancient knowledge & reintegrating past powers into present day attributes.
Crystal Healing
Stimulates deep sleep. Regenerates energy, assists eyes, heart, liver & pancreas. Dissolves addictive behaviours, helps autism & bipolar.
Group: Silicate-Inosilicate Mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic - Prismatic 2/m
Composition: K(Ca;Na)2Si4O10(OH;F)·H2O
Form/Habit: Fibrous, massive
Hardness: 5-6
Cleavage: Good in three directions
Fracture: Conchoidal
Lustre: Vitreous to pearly
Streak: White
Specific Gravity:2.54 - 2.58
Transparency: Translucent
R.I: nα = 1.550 nβ = 1.553 nγ = 1.559
Colour: Violet, lilac, light brown
Birefringence:δ = 0.009
Fluorescence: Weakly fluorescent
Optical Properties: Biaxial (+)