Geology / History
Cacoxenite is associated with iron ores. The name comes from the Greek κăκός for "bad" or "evil" & ξένος for "guest" because the phosphorus content of the beautiful Cacoxenite lessens the quality of the iron smelted from ore containing it.
Occurring as a secondary phase in oxidized magnetite & limonite deposits. Also in Iron, phosphorus rich sediments & in novaculites.
Cacoxenite can form within Amethyst as an inclusion, this is a rare occurrence.
Metaphysical Meaning
A super high vibration crystal of spiritual evolution with strong connections to divine energy. Can build & remove protective shields. This is a deeply powerful stone for personal & planetary awareness, acceptance, love, healing & enlightenment.
Believed to assist in the growth of all mankind by opening the mind to new concepts that can be shared throughout civilization. Cleanses one of negative attachments. Expands consciousness & aligns all chakras with the divine. Used for world meditation to increase spiritual awareness.
Crystal Healing
Alleviates stomach or digestive problems & support the thyroid. Promotes hair & nail growth. Cares for eyes, ears, hands & feet.
Group: Phosphate mineral
Crystal System: Hexagonal - Diheagonal, Dipyramidal
Composition: Fe3+24Al(PO4)17O6(OH)12·17(H2O)
Form/Habit: Acicular, radial, stellate
Hardness: 3-4
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Uneven
Lustre: Silky
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 2.2 - 2.6
Transparency: Semi transparent
R.I: nω = 1.575 - 1.585 nε = 1.635 - 1.656
Colour: Yellow to brownish yellow, reddish orange, golden yellow, deep orange, green; yellow in transmitted light
Birefringence: δ = 0.060
Pleochroism: visible: O = Pale yellow E = Canary yellow to yellow orange