A soft deep blue copper mineral produced by weathering & oxidization of copper ore deposits. It is also known as Chessylite. Over time as it absorbs water it changes into the mineral malachite. Thus the two are found together creating a brilliant deep blue stone with flashes of green. This mineral is a carbonate & has been known since ancient times. Azurite’s Greek name is kuanos (κυανός: "deep blue," root of English cyan) and in Latin, caeruleum. The blue of azurite is exceptionally deep & clear. For that reason the mineral has tended to be
associated since antiquity with the deep blue color of desert & winter skies. The modern English name of the mineral reflects this association since both azurite & azure are derived via Arabic from the Persian lazhward (لاژورد), an area known for its deposits of another deep blue stone, lapis lazuli ("stone of azure").
Metaphysical Properties
Azurite has a transformative quality that stimulates an increase in communication skills, intuition, creativity & inspiration. The dark brilliance of azurite speeds the vibration of energy toward the spiritual realm. Encourages the development of psychic abilities & helps raise consciousness to a higher level. Also believed to clear & expand the mind, helping you to let go of programmed beliefs & gain new perspectives. In addition it is said to stimulate memory, encourage self-expression & help reduce nervousness.
Azurite is beneficial in overcoming phobias as it releases fear & negativity. This crystal unblocks all energy fields, aligning all chakras & opening the third eye. It stimulates the rise of kundalini, greatly enhancing life force energy. Azurite connects to serpent energy teaching us to shed the skin & grow into the new.
Crystal Healing
Liver stimulant, Aids detoxification, Stimulates brain & nerve activity. Encourages growth by stimulating the activity of the thyroid gland.
Group: Carbonate Mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic Prismatic
Composition: Cu₃(OH)₂(CO₃)₂
Form/Habit: Massive, prismatic, stalactitic, tabular
Hardness: 3.5 to 4
Cleavage: Perfect
Fracture: Conchoidal
Lustre: Vitreous
Streak: Light blue
Specific Gravity: 3.773
Transparency: Transparent to translucent
R.I: 1.838
Colour: Azure-blue, Berlin blue, very dark to pale blue; pale blue in transmitted light
Birefringence: 0.108
Pleochroism: Visible shades of blue