The mineral was named apatite by German geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner in 1786, although the specific mineral he had described was reclassified as fluorapatite in 1860. Apatite is derived from the Greek απατείν (apatein), which means to deceive or to be misleading. Apatites was often mistaken for other minerals.
Apatite is one of a few minerals produced & used by biological micro-environmental systems. Hydroxyapatite, also known as hydroxylapatite, is the major component of tooth enamel & bone mineral.
Metaphysical Properties
A stone of inspiration & manifestation. Develops psychic gifts & deepens meditation while raising life force energy. Connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance. It increases motivation & builds energy reserves. Stimulates creativity & intellect. Clears confusion eases tension, anger, apathy & sorrow. Attuned to the future yet connected to past lives. Overcomes emotional exhaustion by clearing negative beliefs about oneself. Opens the throat charka & heals the heart.
Crystal Healing
Heals bones, encourages formation of new cells. Suppresses hunger & raises metabolic rate. Heals glands meridians & organs.
Group: Phosphate Mineral
Crystal System: Hexagonal dipyramidal or monoclinic
Composition: Ca₅(PO₄)₃(F,Cl,OH)
Form/Habit: Tabular, prismatic crystals, massive, compact or granular
Hardness: 5
Cleavage: indistinct
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Lustre: Vitreous to subresinous
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 3.1-3.3
Transparency: Transparent to translucent
R.I: 1.634–1.638 (+0.012, −0.006)
Colour: Green, less often colorless, yellow, blue to violet, pink, brown.
Birefringence: 0.002–0.008
Pleochroism: Blue stones – strong, blue and yellow to colorless. Other colors are weak to very weak