Serpentines olive green colour & smooth/scaly appearance is the basis for its name derived from the Latin serpentinus, meaning serpent rock. Many types of high grade Serpentine (mainly Antigorites) have been utilised for centuries to create beautiful jewellery & hardstone carvings. Sometimes traded under the name Teton jade or false jade. Serpentine varieties are commercially used for a number of purposes, such as railway ballasts, building materials & the asbestiform types (Chrysotile) are used for thermal & electrical insulation.
The Serpentine group of minerals are greenish, brownish, or spotted & found in Serpentine rocks occurring worldwide. These rocks are hydrous Magnesium Iron Phyllosilicate Minerals. They may contain minor amounts of other elements such as Chromium, Cobalt, Manganese & Nickel. In Mineralogy & Gemmology Serpentine may refer to any of 20 varieties belonging to the serpentine group. Varieties are not always easy to individualise & distinctions are not usually made. The three mineral polymorphs of serpentine are Antigorite, Chrysotile & Lizardite.
Where Serpentines form a significant part of the land surface, the soil is unusually high in clay. Soils derived from serpentine are toxic to many plants due to high levels of nickel, chromium, & cobalt. Areas of serpentine-derived soil will show as strips of shrub land & open, scattered small trees often conifers within otherwise forested areas. The flora is generally very distinctive with specialized slow-growing species. These areas are called serpentine barrens.
In the uppermost mantle of ocean basins the ultramafic rocks commonly contain abundant serpentine. This plays an important role in the transport of water into the earth via subduction zones & in the subsequent release of water to create magmas in island arcs. Some of the water may be carried to greater depths. In its natural state, some forms of serpentine react with carbon dioxide & re-release oxygen into the atmosphere.
Metaphysical Properties
The eye of the serpent of fire activates & strengthens your Kundalini life force energy. Bringing joy, clarity & oneness into your physical existence. A shaman stone that assists with purging the old skin & its scars to grow the new. Assisting in the opening of new pathways & the awakening of ancient wisdom. Serpentine helps emotional cleansing & boosts psychic powers.
Corrects mental & emotional imbalances cleaning & strengthening the light body. Connects with the nature spirits, fairies, devas, elementals, Akashic Records & serpent energy within the Earth. Promotes compassion & thinking with love prior to speaking with intellect.
Attracts love & money by neutralising negative associations & feeling of lack. It's an excellent stone for meditation, manifestation & distance healing, ideal for Reiki practitioners as it boosts energy attunements, universal connectedness & healing strength. Also removes entity & energy attachments.
Crystal Healing
Enhances cellular growth, rejuvenation and strengthens your body. Inhibits parasites, aids calcium & magnesium absorption. Benefits hypoglycaemia's, diabetes & muscle fatigue.
Group: Silicate – Phyllosilicate
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Composition: (Mg,Fe,Ni)3Si2O5(OH)4
Form/Habit: Usually massive or pseudomorphous
Hardness: 3.5-5.5
Cleavage: Perfect but not visible
Fracture: Conchoidal to splintery
Lustre: Sub-vitreous to greasy, resinous, earthy & dull
Streak: White
Specific Gravity: 2.5-2.6
Transparency: Translucent to opaque
R.I: 1.55 – 1.56
Colour: White, grey, yellow, green, bluish-green